Alive – Species Density per Subfacility Report

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Alive – Species Density per Subfacility Report

Report Name: Species Density: Species Per Subfacility (example)

File Name: EarthSoft.Reports.Library.77495.dll

Dependencies: Licensed Alive Module and Alive Schema

Software: EQuIS Professional, EQuIS Alive, EQuIS Enterprise

Source: EQuIS Professional install (Alive Module)

Language: English

Output Type: Report Grid1


Description: This report output includes the "Total per Subfacility" for the quantity of each species per subfacility, and the Total of Species (quantity) for all subfacilities. It generates the Density for individual species by dividing the "Total  per Subfacility" by the "Total of Species".


Installation Instructions: This report requires a licensed EQuIS Alive Module and the Alive Schema applied to the database. The report is included in the EQuIS Professional install when the Alive Module feature has been enabled during installation. For more information see: Alive Installation.



This report is accessible via Enterprise provided that any parameter selection(s) are made in Professional, and saved as a User Report.


The following diagram should help visualize the data returned by this report. The values of the diagram correspond to the example data shown beneath the diagram.









Report Parameters



Section for selecting individual and group subfacilities as well as whether or not to include child subfacilities.

Date Range

Section for selecting the Survey Start Date and End Date.

Survey Type(s)

Parameter for selecting the survey type(s).


Parameter for selecting habitat(s).



Section for selecting individual and group subfacilities as well as whether or not to include child subfacilities.


Select taxonomy ranks to include (selecting a parent rank will also include all children).


Select all or individual categories.


Select all or individual conditions.


Select all or individual genders.

Life Stage(s)

Select all or individual life stages.

Quantity Estimated

Select blank for all, Y for only estimated quantities, or N for exact quantities only.

Evidence Only

Select blank for all, Y for observations where only evidence was found, or N for only visual observations of the animal.


1The Report Grid provides additional export options to Excel, Google Earth, Outlook, Shapefile, PDF, Text, Access, XML, or a printer.