Google Earth Location Parameter (XYZ Plot and Contour)

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Google Earth Location Parameter (XYZ Plot and Contour)

Report Name: Google Earth Location Parameter (Contour)

File Name: EarthSoft.Interfaces.Google.dll

Dependencies: N/A

Software: EQuIS Professional

Source: EQuIS Professional install

Language: English

Output Type: Keyhole Markup Language (*.kmz)1, 2, 3


Description: This report generates a *.kmz which displays the location parameter results represented in a color grid, contour, dot plot, or surface plot. Prior to using this report, please review the Submission of Content Warning for Google Earth reports as well as the commercial license requirements.


Installation Instructions: This report assembly is part of the EQuIS Professional installation. No additional installation steps are necessary.



This report prompts you to select a date range and one (or more) location parameters. The output of this report shows values of each parameter represented as a three dimensional contour.


The Places tree lists each parameter. Underneath each parameter there are folders for each of the days where values exist for that parameter. Values from each day are interpolated using a Nearest Neighbor algorithm. The interpolated values are then displayed using a color palette ranging from blue (low) to red (high). Each color in the palette is shown as a folder, so the user can check/uncheck that folder to show/hide values in that range.


This report is computationally intensive, and interpolates a unique grid for each parameter and date. For example, a site may have only 100 different records, but 25 different dates. In this case, the report would interpolate 25 different grids, and potentially consume vast system resources.


In addition to the color palette, the elevation of each point (distance from the ground) represents the relative value to other points. For example, the lower valued points are close to the ground; whereas the higher valued points are farther above the ground. This relative distance from the ground makes it possible to view a 2D contour (by reducing the tilt in Google Earth to look straight down from above) or to view a 3D surface (by increasing the tilt in Google Earth to look from the side).


In order for locations to appear in this report:




DT_LOCATION.LOC_TYPE must be populated.

DT_LOCATION.SYS_LOC_CODE must be populated.

DT_LOCATION.LOC_DESC must be populated before locations are clickable.

The Water Levels Report must have STATUS_FLAG=A in ST_REPORT.


This report includes data over the selected date range. You can drag the time slider or press the Play button to watch the values change over time.

The Google Earth output, which shows a table when clicking on a location, has been improved for readability by adding color to alternative rows.


Report Parameters



Parameter for selecting individual locations.


Parameter for selecting location groups.

Date Range


Select a start date


Select an end date


Select a location parameter


Select the ouput type: Contour, Color Grid, Dot Plot, Surface Plot

Grid Size / Resolution

Select the output resolution: 50 (Standard), 100 (Fine), 150 (Super fine)

Number of Palette Steps

Enter the number of palette steps

* Selecting a higher resolution will take longer to process.



Report Output

The report output for this report is a *.kmz file that that is viewed in Google Earth.


Please also note that there are limitations to the size and complexity of kml/kmz files supported in Google Earth. Selecting too many parameters and/or too large a date range may result in the following error message.


"Report did not generate output. Please try again.Please reduce the number of parameters and/or dates to be contoured (params=P,dates=D)" where P = the number of input parameters, and D = the number of input dates.


1Using Google Earth for commercial purposes requires a commercial license from Google which must be obtained separately by the end user.

2EQuIS Google Earth reports do not require Google Earth or Google Services to generate KML files. Charts may be generated by Google Charts.

3KML is an open standard that may be read or viewed in other applications. These reports have only been tested in Google Earth.