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Navigation:  EnviroInsite > Paper and Digital Output > Export >


Plan view and profile view map window images can be exported to as vector files for later editing, printing, file storage or file transfers. Vector file formats are available CAD, shapefiles, and metafiles.


Select File> Export> CAD/SHP to open the Save As dialog box. Select the desired file type and indicate the filename. Exported DXF, DWG and SHP files contain the entire map window image, including portions of the window outside the current view. The EMF file format includes only what is in the map window at the time the file is generated. When a shapefile is exported, shapefiles are generated containing polygons, arcs, points, and text labels in separate files. Associated DBF and SHX files are generated as well. The DBF file contains object properties (color, fill style index, text string, text height, text alignment indices, and text rotation).