SPM (24.1)

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SPM (24.1)










SPM – Samples On Hold Will Propagate When Scheduling Tasks [d36395]

Planned SPM tasks containing samples on hold will now respect the hold when scheduling the task.





SPM – Users Can Release "On Hold" Sample [d35851]

Fixed a bug in SPM that would cause an error and fail to release the sample when attempting to release a sample that was on hold for analysis.





SPM Completeness Report - Detailed – Check by Fraction Correctly Matches TOTAL_OR_DISSOVLED to FRACTION [d35902]

Fixed a bug that caused duplicate results in SPM - Completeness Report - Detailed report when an SPM plan had two contract MAGs (one for Dissolved and one for Total).





SPM Completeness Report - Detailed – No Duplicated Records in Report Output [d36025]

Fixed a bug in the SPM Completeness Report - Detailed report that caused duplicate results in the report output when multiple containers exist for the same SAMPLE_ID in DT_SPM_SCHEDULED_CONTAINER.





SPM Completeness Report - Detailed and SPM Completeness Table - Field Samples Reports – Duplicate QA/QC Records [d36358]

Fixed a bug that would cause duplicate records to be returned for QA/QC records in two reports: the SPM - Completeness Report - Detailed and the SPM - Completeness Table - Field Samples Report.





SPM Completeness Reports – FACILITY_ID Parameter Displays as List Parameter [d36106]

Fixed a bug in the SPM Completeness Reports (SPM Completeness Report - Detailed and SPM Completeness Report - Summary) that would allow users to enter any FACILITY_ID into the FACILITY_ID parameter if the parameter was visible.





SPM Completeness Table - Field Samples Report – Output Does Not Include Scheduled Tasks Marked Complete by Completeness Override [d35999]

Fixed a bug in the SPM Completeness Table - Field Samples Report where scheduled tasks marked complete through the completeness override would not appear in the populated results. 





SPM Labels (Custom 2) Report – "Analysis" Is Now Included Regardless of Shared Container Value [d35947]

Updated the Analysis value in the SPM – Labels (Custom 2) Report to no longer require the containers to be shared in order to be populated.