Power BI (7.20.3)

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Power BI (7.20.3)




Power BI Data Connector: Fix Server-side Refresh [m187255]

The EQuIS Data Connector for Power BI will now work in app.powerbi.com (requires deployment in a Power BI On-Premise Gateway). All three authentication types are available: Basic, API Key, and OAuth/AAD.





Power BI Connector: Data Format Error for Some Facility Locations and Facility Group Locations Tables [m187537]

When a user opens a facility that does not contain locations in Power BI, a "No Locations" message will display.





Power BI Connector Using AAD: Object Reference Error When Expanding "Facilities" in Navigator [m188839]

The EQuIS Data Connector for Microsoft Power BI has been updated so that when authenticating using Azure Active Directory, it will no longer be necessary to delete the saved data source settings after a refresh.