Professional (7.21.3)

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Professional (7.21.3)





Reports - New - Action Level Exceedance II with Water Levels (Grid) [d10594]

A new report, "Action Level Exceedance II with Water Levels (Grid)" (EarthSoft.Reports.Library.d7631.dll), has been created. See the report article for more details,





Reports - New - Analytical Results II With Location Parameters [d10677]

A new report, Analytical Results II with Location Parameters (EarthSoft.Reports.Library.d7621.dll), has been added to the EQuIS Standard Report Library. See the report article for more details,





Reports - Water Levels II - Allow Location Group Member with Null FACILITY_ID [d10685]

The "Water Levels II" report (EarthSoft.Reports.Library.64102.dll) now accommodates input of location groups without a facility specified in RT_GROUP.FACILITY_ID and/or RT_GROUP_MEMBER.FACILITY_ID.
If this report is already published to the EQuIS Database, EarthSoft recommends republishing it. User Reports built on this report should also be rebuilt (i.e., open the newly published report, reload and adjust parameter selections if needed, and resave the User Report).





Interface - Reports - User Reports Drop-Down List Fixed to Prevent Cutoff [d10748]

A display issue was causing the User Report drop-down to cover the last User Report option with a scrollbar the first time the drop-down was opened, if there were eight or less User Reports. This has been fixed.





Reports - Analytical and Water Results - "Include Rows with no Water Level Data" Parameter Added [d10801]

The parameter "Water Level\Include Rows with no Water Level Data" was added to the "Analytical and Water Results" Report that includes or excludes (default) water level data rows with no values in REPORT_RESULT_VALUE. 
See the report article for more details,





Schema - Professional - Update DT_BASIC_RESULT, DT_PUMP_RATE, and RT_TASK_PARAM_TYPE [d11069]

The following columns are added to the standard EQuIS Schema (schema.xme).






Schema - Professional - Improve Runtimes in equis.add_audit [d11195]

Improved run times for equis.add_audit. Modified equis.populate_euid to ensure trigger is properly disabled then re-enabled in all cases, to improve execution run times.





Schema - Professional, Alive, DQM - Increase Size of All Existing Pseudo-Numeric Columns in Database to 23 Characters [d11296]

Increased the size of all pseudo-numeric columns to 23 characters for schema consistency.





Crosstabs - Export All Column Headers and Warning Improvements [d11345]

Crosstab output now supports more column headers as follows:
  1. All the non-hidden column headers of a crosstab configuration now export to Excel, Text, CSV, PDF or Outlook. 
  2. The related warning message is updated to reflect the 12 column header limitation of Professional display (improved from previous limitation of 10 with upgrading of Infragistics).
  3. The related warning message is fixed to display only once when the "Separate tabs by" crosstab option is used.





EDD Exports Format Issue [d11552]

Fixed issue that prevented EDD Export Format reports from exporting.





Reports - Relative Percent Difference II - Updated to use Both Samples used in RPDs Results for Category 1, 2, & 3 Comparisons [d11759]

The Relative Percent Difference II Report has been updated to use both of the samples used to calculate RPD to determine the results of Category 1-3. See for more information.
If this report is already published to the EQuIS Database, EarthSoft recommends republishing it.
User Reports built on this report should also be rebuilt (i.e. open the newly published report, reload and adjust parameter selections if needed and resave the User Report).





Reports - Relative Percent Difference III - Updated to Use Both Samples Used in RPDs Result for Category 1, 2, & 3 Comparisons [d11760]

The Relative Percent Difference III Report has been updated to use both samples included in the RPD calculation to determine the results of Category 1-3. If this report is already published to the EQuIS Database, EarthSoft recommends republishing it. User Reports built on this report should also be rebuilt (i.e., open the newly published report, reload and adjust parameter selections if needed, and resave the User Report). For more information, see





Schema - Professional - Update DT_DRILL_ACTIVITY and DT_WATER_TABLE [d11819]

The following table/column updates are applied to the standard schema (schema.xme).

DT_DRILL_ACTIVITY: added TASK_CODE and foreign key to DT_TASK





Reports - Relative Percent Difference II - Add New Parameter to Add 'equal to' In The Comparison [d11830]

Added the parameter "Replace < with ≤ in Checking Analysis Results to Get Category 1-3:" to the Relative Percent Difference II Report.
If this report is already published to the EQuIS Database, EarthSoft recommends republishing it.
User Reports built on this report should also be rebuilt (i.e., open the newly published report, reload and adjust parameter selections if needed, and resave the User Report).





Schema - Professional - Enhance VW_COORD_NON_NUMERIC to Handle Non-Numeric Values [d11836]

VW_COORD_NON_NUMERIC is used to check/clean data in DT_COORDINATE.X_COORD/Y_COORD to address non-numeric values that would prohibit other views and reports from running properly. This now includes more columns in DT_COORDINATE: ELEV, COORD_ZONE, HORZ_ACCURACY_VALUE, ELEV_ACCURACY_VALUE, and DATA_POINT_SEQUENCE.





Reports - Relative Percent Difference III - New Input to Check Analysis Results Using "≤" Instead of Default "<" [d11899]

Added the parameter "Replace < with <= in Checking Analysis Results to Get Category 1-3:" to the "Relative Percent Difference III Report". For details, see If this report is already published to the EQuIS Database, EarthSoft recommends republishing it. User Reports built on this report should also be rebuilt (i.e., open the newly published report, reload and adjust parameter selections if needed, and resave the User Report).





Advanced Action Levels - DecimalSeparator - "Advanced Action Level Missing or Not Numeric" Returned for Calc_method [d12092]

When using a SINGLE_MIXED advanced action level under certain language or culture settings, the message "Advanced Action Level Missing or Not Numeric" erroneously appeared in the FLAG column of the Action Level Exceedance II output. This issue is fixed.





Reports - New - User Activity [d12146]

A new report, "User Activity" (EarthSoft.Reports.Library.d5752.dll), has been created to show administrators a breakdown of product use over time by user. See the report article for more details,





Professional - Prompt to Select Folder Location when Saving a User Report [d12219]

Support has been added for saving User Reports to specific folders in Professional. The new option "Save selections to database in a specific folder" allows users to select a folder before saving the User Report. See for more information.





Schema - Professional - Allow Non-Admins Without Owner to Edit Groups [d12406]

Further to previous RT_GROUP_MEMBER trigger permission enhancements, adding or removing members to/from a group will now only require Owner permission on the group IF members of that group include permissioned Object Types (e.g. facilities or reports). Adding or removing members to/from other groups (e.g. location groups) will no longer require Owner permission.





EQuIS for AutoCAD - FATAL Error Message When Plotting a Spider Diagram [d12812]

An EQuIS for AutoCAD bug that was causing a FATAL error and crashing AutoCAD when plotting a Spider Diagram has been resolved.





EQuIS for EVS - Changing Geology Layer Type Causes Missing Intervals/Locations [d12836]

Fixed an issue in EQuIS for EVS that caused missing data when combining geologic unit code intervals.





Location Parameters (Extra Fields) Report - Fixed Multi-Selection for Task(s) Input [d13146]

An "Invalid column name" error would occur in the Location Parameters (Extra Fields) Report when multiple selections were made in the Task(s) parameter. This has been fixed.