Live Format

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Live Format

The EQuIS Live Format checks and loads data into the EQuIS Live tables via EQuIS Data Processor (EDP). See format section descriptions below:


EDD Section



This section can be used to update EQuIS with new logger data. This information will update the DT_LOGGER table.


This section can be used to create or update EQuIS with the measurement parameters the loggers will be capturing (e.g., temperature). This information will update the DT_LOGGER_SERIES table.


This section can be used to import logger data values into EQuIS. This information will update the DT_LOGGER_DATUM table. Note: DT_LOGGER_DATUM is restricted from the list of tables in Professional for non-admin ALS users. Non-admin users can access the DT_LOGGER_DATUM table as a child of DT_LOGGER_SERIES, effectively restricting access to the appropriate facility for this table.


This section can be used to import logger data remarks into EQuIS. This information will update the DT_LOGGER_REMARK table.


This section can be used to import logger depth datum into EQuIS. This information will update the DT_LOGGER_DEPUM table.


The latest Live Format can be found in the Products> EQuIS Live folder in the EarthSoft Community Center Downloads Dashboard.


The help documentation for EDP is accessible here.




The Live format uses:

LoggerCode (DT_LOGGER.LOGGER_CODE) to uniquely identify the logger row.

LoggerCode and SeriesName (DT_LOGGER_SERIES.SERIES_NAME) to uniquely identify the series.

LoggerCode, SeriesName and DatumUtcDate (DT_LOGGER_DATUM.DATUM_UTC_DT) to uniquely identify the datum row.

LoggerCode, SeriesName, DatumDepth, and DatumDepthOffset to uniquely identify the depth datum row.


If DT_LOGGER and DT_LOGGER_SERIES rows are being added to the database for the first time, their DT_LOGGER.LOGGER_IDs and DT_LOGGER_SERIES.LOGGER_SERIES_IDs are automatically populated, and their STATUS_FLAGs are set to 'A', and their FACILITY_IDs are set to the currently selected facility.


Note: Logger and LoggerSeries are lookups for LoggerDatum and LoggerRemark, and must exist in the database prior to loading Datum, Depth Datum, and Remark data.


The Live Format ONLY loads data to loggers that belong to the currently selected FACILITY_ID or NULL FACILITY_ID.