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Report Names: EQuIS Live: CDEC Agent and EQuIS Live: CDEC Historical Data Loader (example)
File Name: EarthSoft.Live.Reports.dll
Description: The EQuIS Live: CDEC Agent and EQuIS Live: CDEC Historical Data Loader reports allow users to retrieve water data from the California Data Exchange Center (CDEC) web API in EQuIS Professional and Enterprise.
Before running these reports, one or more stations must be added to the DT_LOGGER table:
1.Add the station (DT_LOGGER row) in EQuIS Professional.
3.Set LOGGER_CODE to a station ID from here (e.g., IGO for CLEAR CREEK NEAR IGO).
4.Set STATUS_FLAG to 'A' to activate the logger.
These reports will automatically add the series (and datum) when they run. They use the Html Agility Pack library to get the series info (e.g., from CLEAR CREEK NEAR IGO). A series can then be activated or deactivated, by setting its STATUS_FLAG = 'A' or 'R', to start or stop (respectively) obtaining data for it. Also, the SERIES_UNIT and SERIES_DESC for a series may be changed, but not its SERIES_NAME; it uniquely identifies the series using the CDEC Sensor Number and Duration Code (e.g., 41-D for CLEAR CREEK NEAR IGO's FLOW, MEAN DAILY, CFS).
These reports can be run manually or as scheduled EQuIS Information Agents (EIAs), at the desired frequency, to automatically load data as often as needed. The Agent report will load data for all loggers with LIVE_DATA_SOURCE containing CDEC from the logger's most recent date (in DT_LOGGER_DATUM.DATUM_UTC_DT) until today's date. The Historical Data Loader report allows the user to select the logger(s) and date range.
Historical Data Loader Report Parameters |
* This report also includes hidden parameter: Facility |
Copyright © 2024 EarthSoft, Inc. • Modified: 14 Nov 2021