How Does EnviroInsite Determine the Legend Size?

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How Does EnviroInsite Determine the Legend Size?

In the model view, EnviroInsite plots the legend at what is intended to be a legible size. The program evaluates the size of an individual pixel and sets the legend text height to some multiple of that size. This may result in the legend being drawn at a different height if you were to zoom in or out of a view and replot an object. Changing Enviroinsite's window size and replotting will also result in the legend appearing at a different size relative to the underlying map content.


Once the legend's been plotted you can change a legend size by editing the legend and changing the scale value. To edit the legend, right-click on the legend and select edit. Then change the Scale value and click on the OK button. This will scale the legend height relative to the default value by the indicated scale value.