Using Collect on Shared Devices

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Using Collect on Shared Devices

Collect permissions control how users interact with data in Collect Mobile. Users will only have access to data and files through the app for the facilities and user groups to which they are assigned. Users who have permissions to the same facility and user group will be able to access the same forms, data, and files. This is by design to provide continuity of field work when field teams are sharing devices.


If mobile devices will be shared in the field, clients may want to consider implementing standard operating procedures for using EQuIS Collect that are relevant to their work environment / data workflows. The Collect Mobile app is designed to store data and files directly on the mobile device to facilitate field data collection when an internet connection is not available.


If a mobile device will be shared with field teams across facilities and inadvertent access to files stored on the device is a concern, clients may wish to develop procedures to delete Collect files from the device prior to sharing the device. The app settings on the device can be used to remove Collect files stored on the device. Uninstalling Collect from the device will also remove all files from the device.