Collect and ST_USAGE

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Collect and ST_USAGE

Collect Enterprise and Collect Mobile both create records in the ST_USAGE database table when performing certain actions. There are differences between the two applications that result in ST_USAGE records being created.


Collect Mobile

Once the following actions are taken in Collect Mobile, a record is created in ST_USAGE. A Collect user logs into Collect Mobile, navigates to the Forms or Templates page in the application, downloads a template or form to their device, and pushes data to the server.


Collect Enterprise

Once the following actions are taken in Collect Enterprise, record is created in ST_USAGE. A user logs into EQuIS Enterprise, navigates to the Collect dashboard, edits or creates a Collect template, and creates a Data Form.


Differentiating Collect records in ST_USAGE

User logs into Collect Mobile compared to Collect Enterprise

oLogging into Collect Mobile is the only time that the version is checked, therefore the [siteURL]/api/collect/version record stored in ST_USAGE.HTTP_URI is the best indication that a user has logged into Collect Mobile. This differs from a user who has logged into Collect Enterprise, where [siteURL]/api/collect/version also results in a record being created in ST_USAGE.HTTP_URI. However, when the version is checked in Collect Enterprise, '?e-tag=XXXXXXX' is appended to the end of the HTTP_URI, (e.g., [siteURL]/api/collect/version?e-tag=XXXXXXX).

User pushes a data form from Collect Mobile to the server

oWhen a Collect user pushes data to the server from Collect Mobile, a ST_USAGE.HTTP_URI record will be created with the following format:


oThis record is unique as this is the only time Collect Mobile will record the location of where the data was pushed from. Additionally, this is the only Collect Mobile record in ST_USAGE where the HTTP_VERB is 'POST'.